Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Music Thursday

Have been listening to some great new music this week...

Tiesto's album Kaleidoscope is killer... great house music with words... Wishing he was playing some of the summer festivals this year.

Martin Solveig's new song Boys & Girls is also super dooper... Can't wait to see him at Harbour Life next weekend!

Julian Casablancas solo album is way cool... Sounds heaps like the strockes but nothing wrong with that!

Dizzee Rascal's new track Holiday... legend... Most of his track sounds really a like but no complaints!

Looking forward to the SHE Boat party this saturday... Weather reports 30 degrees

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Ladyhawke = Concert Win!

Re Blogging 2009

Had a thought today... I wonder what ever happened to that blog I started....?

Started reading through a few of the old pasts... Whats a dumb, crazy 21 year old I was! Yikes!

My blog pre-dates FaceBook! Clearly years a head of my time

Think I might try and start this blog business up again... Had a blast reading through all the stupid stories I had posted on here years ago!

I had a pretty fun weekend... Friday was nice and chilled... managed to polish off a bottle of wine with Jen & Siobhan... having a good chin wag.

Saturday afternoon hit the gym... Siobhan blitz in my the treadmill race... I could not even make 5km... too much booze and waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much ciggies... got to give that shit up

Saturday afrvo was Jessie's birthday picnic at Sawmillers Reserve... Was a lovely afternoon... Will miss here to pices when she leaves in December....

Scored a last minute ticket to Ladyhawke on Saturday night... Was a cool concert... Ash was so into it, I only knew about half her songs

Then chilling chilling for a few drinks at the Kings X Hotel with the youngest Wood.

Had a fucking awesome lady day today... Wish Taran would turn off Quantum of Solace so I can watch Rove *humph*

Back to work tomorrow.... Can't rememeber if I have a meeting first thing or not... Better get in early just to make sure :-)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Last night...

Last night turned out to be pretty big... mich and I polished off a bottle of mudslide... and then I chugged into a bottle of champagne... yum... then of course I got the urge to go out... so at 5am in the morning I left mich's humble flat and trecked into the big city to party... good times...

Tonight is a bit of a contrast to last night... I'm bummin at home playing Xbox and watching finding Nemo...

Sorry if i haven't been replying to messages or calling anyone back, I only just got my phone sorted out... now have finished with all these job interviews I can actually catch up for lunch and dinner...

so once i get settled in to my new job... i'll be on the blower again!



Kyle's Excellent Adventure!

Friday, May 19, 2006

lazy days...

My second day of rest is coming to a close and I have achieved everything I want to... nothing! Just ace!

Been watching heaps of the music channels on foxtel... gezz I'm a bit out of touch since by ol' kmart sound and vision days... what the hell is all this gangster rap crap??? The Australian TRL is having a gangster, or is it gansta? night... what the fuck? all the music is horse shit! 50cent, nell... so many! and they all sound the same... its kinda sad!

Looking forward to a quiet night tonight... maybe a movie... maybe pizza... who know i might get a bit crazy and have a beer!

I need to bloody find a place to live... jen and i have been looking butthe good places are so competitive! everyone thing is shit!

i need to get back to syd... running late for my train... see ya

Kyle's Excellent Adventure!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Kyle's Excellent Adventure!

Well yesterday was my very last day at Recruit Express... a bit sad but I'm sure I have made the right decision... I have a long weekend to enjoy before I start at Julia Ross on Monday!

So i'm a bit confused... should i stay home and spend the weekend relaxing and preparing or so I go out and celebrate... party like it 1999!??? Such a delimer!

I think we all know the answer to that question though... looks like i'm going back to 1999! haha!

Sitting round at home, i'm realising how bad daytime tv is... i used to crave this when i was at uni... what the fuck is ready steady cook??!! it has the be the most bland and cheezy (no pun intended!) show on TV!

Listening to: Panic! At the Disco

Kyle's Excellent Adventure!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Back Baby!

hey kids!

I'm back.... last post was from early 2005.... may may may how things have changed since then!

I've kind of all grown up (with a few hickups, of course)

The last year has bought many changes... relationships... all of which ended, friends coming and going, finishing uni and starting my "career"!

Loving working in recruitment... the poeple are good and the money fantastic!

So what do u think guys... post or not to post? Let me know!


Ginger Ninja

Monday, April 11, 2005

Word up kids

Hey kids,

Thought I might give this blogger thing another go... had an awesome weekend.

Friday night, shotting Chertuse @ Opera Bar... Skulling Beer @ Lowenburu... Shotting Absenth @ Stonwall...finally Vodkas @ The Bourbon

The night was full of conterversy... bitch fights and heavy petting... shit, its 4 in the morning... I think I still need a bit more motivation for this blogging crap!


Monday, January 03, 2005


... Fin ...

Monday, December 27, 2004

Merry Christmas

Hey Kids,

Hope everyone had a jolly christmas and I hope Santa was as kind to you and he was to me.

I'm on the coast with the most at the moment...kinda boring although I have run into a few buddies from high school.

Back in Syd for the big NYE Extravanza being thrown by expert party planners Lucy and Nicka...with a little help from see u there...want the address? get in touch with me at

Be there or be a triangle


Monday, December 20, 2004

2004...the sweet sound passing of time

1. In 10 words or less describe 2004 for u...

crazy, impulsive, brilliant, gratifying....its was jst crazy!

2. What was your highlight of 2004...

My 20th birthday black eyes later and a pools of stories to last me the whole year!

3. Where do u hope to be by this time next year...

well, this last last year I would have said, to be finished my uni degree and have a really nice job, and I get to say exactly the same thing this year...yay me for...or should I be bummed? No definately yay for me...

4. Album of the year...

Its gotta be The 'Spoon- Thrills, Kills and Sunday Pills....wowo

5. movie of the year...

"I din't know...GOD!"...its has to be..Neopoleon Dynamite, also I really liked Spelling Bee...those kids were off the charts crazy!

6. Party of the year...

Of course my 20th way back to Feb

7. Artist of the year

Phil Jamison and Bjork...I wish they would get married and have babies

8. Most overhyped party/artist/film...

I might offend anyone if I bag out their party (see question 13 for the reasoning)/ Anthony Calea/ Oceans 12

9. Book of the year...

ummm, didn't read a single book, although I did get half way through Lonley Planets Guide to Japan...well maybe only a 1/4 of the way though!

10. Person of the year...

Probably, bro is a close second...also Channie (always sticking up for me) and Kristy for letting me move one else

11. Knobhead of the year...

Well, thats a no and possible George Bush...he so favourite quote from him... "I am sure human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully"

12. What do you want/ what did u get for xmas...

iPod, clothes, money, two bottom teeth

13. What will be your new years resolution...?

Lose weight, be less offensive, be nice to all of gods creatures... what a crock of shit. I want to be more offensive, nastier, make more people cry and generally reek havok... now thats more realistic!

Now its your turn...give it a me, I know who reads I know who's not replying! moohaha

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Hey Ho...Back on the Coast with the Most

Hey Kids,

last week has been pretty uneventful, been workin my ass of at the ol' not my favourite place right now!

Saw Oceans 12 last Tuesday with a few of my crew, K, G and Lucy...not the best movie I've ever seen, actually it was pretty damned dissapointing, I didn't understand most of it. I'm still confused, about Julia Roberts playing so chihc, then playing herself...crazy, whatever.....really want to see garden state!

Thursday night was a blast! After a very very disapointing visit to Vault bar, I decided to drop into Illises 21st...uninvited ofcourse... 5 mins after turning up I find myself attached to a lovely young lady, Rebecca...what was that about...her seems cool.

OK, bloggers, I'm going to go out on a limb here and I want everyone to fill out a survey on the website... Just cut and paste the questions and use the comments section to post your answers....c'mon guy, take 5 mins out of your busy scheludal.....

ok, question the first...

1. In 10 words or less describe 2004 for u...
2. What was your highlight of 2004...
3. Where do u hope to be by this time next year...
4. Album of the year...
5. movie of the year...
6. Party of the year...
7. Artist of the year
8. Most overhyped party/artist/film...
9. Book of the year...
10. Person of the year...
11. Knobhead of the year...
12. What do you want/ what did u get for xmas...
13. What will be your new years resolution...?
13 question...knock yourself out!

I'll post my answers on my next blog...
peace out

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas Party Aftermath

Well its over between me and my Christmas party fling...Bendy Wendy... Another heart broken.

Although people are still talking about my antics on Friday night, which is good, but on the other hand people are starting to get the wrong impression of me...people who one though I was this charming young buck, now think I'm some drunken sex crazed maniac. Oh well either is fine with me. I can be either of those on any given day...depending on my alochol comsumption.

I've been working my fuckin ass of lately, so if you've been wondering why I haven't returned your call or replied to that message u sent me..thats why. It actually sux working so much over time cause I just get taxed to shit, so I don't really end up with any more cash than I started with.

So bloody looking forward to Christmas, I luve getting presents...and giving them. I'll die if my parents don't give me an iPod. Everyday I spend 10 mins staring at my CD's trying to decide what to listen to, but with an iPod I can take them all with me...yay...problem solved and I won't have to keep everyone waiting so long! Therefore giving me an iPod benefits everyone!

If anyone is reading this let me know by commenting...and no more anonomus comments...only because I don't know how to spell it!

My top 5 songs this week are....
5. Taste in Men- Placebo
4. Hollarback Girl- Gwen Stefani
3. Cream- Prince
2. Superstition- Stevie Wonder
1. Lose My Breath- Destiny's Child (their performance on oprah blew me away....awwww, bloody good!)

bloody hell, I'm late for work.

See ya on the flip side (lol)


Ps, I'll post some fantastic photos as soon as georgia shows me how! Post a comment if ya wanna see pics!
Ginger Ninja

Saturday, December 04, 2004

The Big K Christmas Par-Tay

I think Cracker said it best when he told me...Your the fuckin shit kyle, the most fun to hang with...and its true.

Kmart Christmas Party last night, fuck it was a bloody awesome party! Met some nice ladies, felt like I was pashing on all night! The bar tab was awesome, although I still managed to spend 100 bucks.

This new chic is Wendy, and she works in apparel with Phuong, such a concidence.

OMG, when ever I see anyone who is reading this, you have to ask me about "Signal" this disgusting, disgusting club someone took me to. Fuck this place was out of control, i didn't even know places like that existed.
I feel so seedy, gotta do it all again tonight...yay! Hopefullly tonight will be as eventful as last night...If I'm there I'm sure It will go off!

Ginger Ninja: R.I.P. Philly

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

R.I.P. Philly

My racing frog Philly, sadly was taken by a Pike last night... i was told he passed without suffering too much pain...oh how I miss him already!

I had to create a new frogs, so in an effort to remember Philly, I named the new frog Philly II...a fitting tribute to a frog who lived every day to the fullest!

Oh well thats the biggest news for the i guess its back to the Nintendo 64 for me...I luve old school gaming!


ps..thats for the posts guys, keep em' coming...your keepin the friendship alive! Remember you have a very very vengeful vengeful buddy here!

Ginger Ninja

Monday, November 22, 2004

Mystery Blogger Revealed

The mysterous person who commented on the I got last exam fever and there is a cure! was finally unearthed, after some tough detective work...Sam is the anomyous hussy which has disgraced this blog! haha!

just remember I have some revealing photo's of u in your underwear ;)

Ginger Ninja

Bye Bye Maroubra

Moved house yesterday...its goodbye Maroubra and Hello Kensington!
Bye bye Murray and G'Day Kristy...ooohhhh. *tear*

My Mum was so sad when we were saying goodbye to Murray i though she was going to cry! It was all very sweet and emotional. Murray and I did the manly thing and shook hands, showing no emotion at all...very above board

My new place is the bomb...its all decked out in smick furnature...none of which is mine...although i will invite everyone over for a house warming par-tay!

I'm so bummin' I came back to the CC today to hang out by the pool and its bloody overcast, humf! Hangin out with my bro is cool, but I'm home alone during the so oh so bored!

Who would have funk is 3 months ago that Casey would have been crowned Australian Idol? Don't tell Nicola though...she still is holding onto some hope that casey will be stuck down with lightnight ala little miss springfield style and Anthony will become the Idol. Whats with the single could not be anymore lame. I don't think I'll put it at #1 on the Kmart chart. I haven't been entertained enough.

sat night was good, got a random pash at Coogee beach...she was pretty hot, although she was just kicked out of the Coogee bay...I wasn't phased. The only reason I went out was to chase this girl I've been after for months...she is just so fridget though...cannot work her out! grrrrrrr!

Gwen Stefani's album is the shit, so take a whif and check is out...Hallaback girl, track #3 rocks!


Ps...thanks Channie for sticking up for me, your a champion.... if you don't know what I'm talkin about check out the comments for the previous posting, its wild!

Ginger Ninja

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I got last exam fever and there is a cure!

wooooooow, I just finished my last exam ever...what a feeling!

Well, 'finished' is a debatle term. I sat there for a hours, wrote one very crappy and short essay...drew on my question paper for a while...then made a very bad attempt at the second essay. After about a page of dribble I high tailed it out of there! I had to wait til someone else left so i wouldn't be the first! Damn my lack of motivation, where the hell did it go. I think I lost it when I finished puberty, all that testerone running through my body must have given me that little something extra, actully its not that little ;).

I'm off for a hard earned beer, well not so much hard earned, I need one none the less! Then off to lunch with my uni buddies... prob the last time i'll see some on them *tear*

Oh well, looking forward to going to bathurst with nicola this weekend, should be ace...then when I come home I get to move... yay... fun times a head... time to this of the present though and I need a beer.

later suckers

Ginger Ninja

Monday, November 15, 2004

Ginger Ninja

Such a beautiful day today... The sun is shining and I'm out of bed before 2pm! Definately have to go to the gym today!

I was so happy when I checked my email today. I got an email from my buddy who went to Brazil to persue a girl he met on the net! He's having such a great time and I think he's in love...ahhhhhh

I had a good weekend. I went to see my best friends, friends, boyfriends band on Saturday night...Strobe. They were ok, not totally original but passable. Then onto Retro. I wasn't at Retro with my normal posse of Sammy and Kristy but still hoping for a good night.

It was a really fun night...besides the fact that I was in the bathroom every 5 mins because my bladder is the size of a tiny pea. It was a really fuckin' good some good photo's too. I always have fun with Channie and after a less than impressive first meeting with her friend Hanna, I seem to get along with her pretty good as well. It always interesting to hang out with people who can have fun without drinking...that idea just totally perplexes me...not that I'm not fun sober, I'm just MORE fun drunk!

Guys I need some ideas as to what I can do now that I'm finished uni, I need to do something different, like Parachuting or bungee jumping...but actually nothing so scary or potentially deadly. My goal for the mid session break was to go to a measum, but when I got there I realised my feelings of total bordom towards them and wanted to leave straight away.

I went for a tennis coaching job today...had a interview which went sooo well, now he wants to see my skills and seeing a though I haven't played in 3 years I'm sure they are totally shit, so he's given me 2 weeks to get back to my Phillopousis for...yeah right.

Anyway, thats it for today.... remember Survivor Tursday night...

Later Kyle

Ginger Ninja

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ginger Ninja

Saturday, lunch time and I still have no motivation to do anything! I had a plan for today, 9am go to gym, 11am Meet friends and go to the art things at Bondi Beach.... hummm well I try go to the gym this afternoon.

Really dreading my last session with my personal trainer because he's so mean to me! He keeps calling me over weight and shaking is head. I still cannot work about if at our last session he was trying to hit on me or just being really really offensive and rude. Who cares anyway...he's a total wanker.

Saw Bridget Jones Diary Last night.... errrrrr, funny but not that good. I didn't really like the first one anyway. Renee Zelwiger has such squinty eyes and her lips are always puckered, but she's kind of cute.

I actually like Britney's new pregorative...its hot! And she looks so fucking good on her Greatest Hits cover! hubba hubba!

Still huumming and arrrrring about this tatoo thing, I really want to get it done but at the same time I am totally freaked out about the pain assiciated with getting it. I'll do it one day...maybe

My top 5 albums this weeks are....
5. Live- Awake
4. Korn- Greatest Hits Volume 1
3. Living End- From Here on in
2. Sum 41- Chuck

I get the feeling this blob is getting really boring! I'm sooo bored writing, you guys must be even boreder reading it... don't worry if i have to get creative I will!

later chickerdees

Ginger Ninja

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Back on line...

I'm back on line again...just byding my time until by computer breaks down again!

Uni's finished, I just got one exam, but I've already passed the course so no worries!

How fucking scary is it that I'm finished with uni?!! I see things advertised on tv and think ohhh I should watch that cause I have to study...but I don't...I have no worries at the moment!

I'm moving house, just down the road. Moving into a bute appartment with my buddy Kristy, should be party central...until i get over the fact that my life has no direction...

I really want to upload photo's to this site, I've taken soooo many good snaps with my new camera, its awesome...retro, uni... my home salon

Is everyone else as addicted to this years Surivor as I just getting so juicy. I wonder if the girls will be able to hold it together and go all the way?

CD's of the week...2 best of's (how suprising during christmas time) The Verve and Live... both brilliant bands. But still no over my Placebo phase...what can I say, I'm just another Nancy Boy!

Thanks for posting sandy, good to hear from u

Later dudes and dudetts

Ginger Ninja: End of an Era

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

End of an Era

Ginger Ninja
Well, her I last day at sad! Now I have to grow up and be an adult, well hopefully I won't have to do that for a little while.

I have one exam, but still 3 essays due before then...grrrrr!

Sorry, got to go...Sheri Bobbins is kicking me off the computer... She says we have work to do...pffft!

Thanks for the comment Sandy.


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Ginger Ninja

Ginger Ninja
Hey everyone, whats the G-O?

I've been offline for a few weeks now which explains the lack of blogginess...Sorry to all you die hard fans who have been hanging out for the next installment!

A lot has happened in the past two weeks....I'll start with Oktoberfest...ohhhh, Oktoberfest...Probably one of the best nights out I've had...And that's saying something! There were many highlights so here is the top 5!
5. Discovering my love for Strongbow
4. Throwing ice at people from the balcony with sheri bobbins
3. Pouring orange barcardie breezer down some random girls back
2. Have been come steaming out of my nose
1. Although, I doubt this actually tops the beer...Spending the evening with my two best buddies from uni Channie and Sheri Bobbins...ohhhh...*tear*

ummm, actually I have no idea what I did that Saturday...I know it was something...Oh well...Maybe it was that 5oth birthday party I went to...Who knows.

Lately I have been pretty consumed by STUDY...Who'd ever thunk it? I know it sux...But only a very very short while to go until I'm done. FOR-EV-A! Exciting, I know!

I'm even in the library at the moment...Show studious of me right?

Owww, I watched Australian Idol last night for the first time in a few weeks...I can't believe they voted of Hayley, she was awesome...If anthony does not win its an outrage. Is anyone else not so excited about who is left? They all seem like of plain and very uncarismatic. I'll make the prediction here and now that who were wins will flop...Not Kayne Taylor style (of popstars fame...or not). I mean they will still go #1, but it just won't be the pandermonium that was guy Sebastian!

Anyway...Better get back to work, owww, lunch time, change of plans.

Everyone go out and buy Placebo- One More Time With Feeling because they are the best band ever!

Also watch The Dreamers, it pretty good

AND Survivor is on tonight! there or be a triangle!


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Neighbours is the bomb!

well it week 12 at uni...2 weeks to go...many last night study session to go! Can't wait!

How much is everyone loving Neighbours at the moment, I really think it is one of the best TV shows on. Who knows it may be even better than Survivor, not so into this season yet. I'll have to make a final decision after tonight's episode.

I've been thinking alot about my 21st lately and I've got a good idea about the theme...'Golf Pro's and Tennis Hoes'...what does everyone think. It might quash any ideas of going out afterwards though.

Thanks to the few people who have posted on this sight...good for you! Too bad my friends are not all sheep and chose not to follow.

So looking forward to Oktoberfest this Thursday, I have finally convinced my buddies Sheri and Naomi to make an appearence at the Roundhouse, so it's shipping up to be a good night!

Anyway, I should get back to study...get back to, start, whatever..Its all the same.

Check out, 'The Taste of Ink by The Used', it goes off!

take care

Monday, October 18, 2004

The Weekend Wrap Up!

Ginger Ninja

What a weekend! So crazy, but the good kind of crazy. Although I did kind of lose it towards the end of Saturday night...Apparently someone poured a drink on me! Rude huh?

Friday night was pretty good. I went to my favorite restaurant in the city, Wagamummas at Cockle Bay... muummm yuk. Then headed off the Bungalow 8 with Anne and her sister. Bungalow is so not my scene, I was like the youngest person there by about 5 years and everyone was wearing a suit! Eeek, reminds me that I'll have to grown up eventually!

I finally met up with my buddy Chantal and her best friend Hanna. I was a little drunk and inappropriately brought up Hanna's dildo 5 mins after meeting her... eh, she was cool with it! After some suprisingly short deliberations we decided to initiate Chantal and Hanna with their first gay club experience...So Stonewall here we come!

We had an awesome time dancing, hoppin'...We were going off!

After they left it was time for a late night Jade call, for those of you who don't know jade, she shares my inability to stay home on any weekend night and seems to always be the last one out. Luckily she was just round the corner.... Great night out!

Saturday morning I was up early for sam's 21st...Although I was quite late... Lunch was fun, I especially liked the drinking part! Now off the Erin's 21st... Not this blog gets really interesting!

Tiredness and a very large amount of red, white and champagna is the best mix for me... I become incredibly hilarious, offensive (very offensive), rude and a little emotional.

I feel sorry for telling Shirin she looked pregnate and Lucy S that her clothes looked like they were from Kmart, but I'm really not! This blog is running a little long... long story short Shirin poured a drink on me and I have very little knowledge of my nasty habits...How convenient!

New music I'm into...Sum 41 Chuck (especially NO REASON) and Korn Greatest Hits (their cover of WORD UP! Is fuckin awesome)

Also if you like my blog post a comment, I want to know if anyone is reading this crazy shit!


Sunday, October 17, 2004

Ginger Ninja

Ginger Ninja

due to popular demand... I'm back!!!

had such a funny night tonight.

right now i'm deviding my time between between throwning up and finishingthe blog (or bog as samm would call it)

omg, so sick right now, have to go

shout out to Jessamyn for getting the whole blink 182 thning..I love them... saw them live... best live band eva! Adams song? ummm, dammit! hello!

propper blog tomorrow.

love kyza!

ps. sorry for all the typos

Thursday, October 14, 2004


yes, thats turs-day...say it with me...anyway

Ello and welcome to Kyle's Blog (hope u like it)

I waited all day for my new computer to be delivered, I step out for an hour to conduct an interview...and bam! He shows up at my house and gives me a call...typical!

So I came home and indulged my substance abuse problem...Oprah (sad but true). I'de love to get off her, my doctor recomended I limit my viewing to once a week and he precribed me a little Oprah patch. The patch is small but every now and again it balloons to bloated state, funny huh?

Atm, I'm listening to Slash, Dot Com by Fay Boy Slim...its awesome, so original! I also have a soft spot for Marylin Manson, I got his Best Disposable Teens.

Top things to do this weekend...
1. Sam's 21st on Saturday
2. Channies sisters boyfriend's band playing at Annandale on Friday night.
3. Hang out and watch the NEW Amazing race and Apprentice, wouldn't be the same without some pizza.
4. Call my mumzie
5. Start studying...notice how I put it at the bottom!

Later Guys...thanks for visiting my blob, hope I don't get sick of it too soon.


Quote of the year: "its not enough to win, other people have to lose!"