Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas Party Aftermath

Well its over between me and my Christmas party fling...Bendy Wendy... Another heart broken.

Although people are still talking about my antics on Friday night, which is good, but on the other hand people are starting to get the wrong impression of me...people who one though I was this charming young buck, now think I'm some drunken sex crazed maniac. Oh well either is fine with me. I can be either of those on any given day...depending on my alochol comsumption.

I've been working my fuckin ass of lately, so if you've been wondering why I haven't returned your call or replied to that message u sent me..thats why. It actually sux working so much over time cause I just get taxed to shit, so I don't really end up with any more cash than I started with.

So bloody looking forward to Christmas, I luve getting presents...and giving them. I'll die if my parents don't give me an iPod. Everyday I spend 10 mins staring at my CD's trying to decide what to listen to, but with an iPod I can take them all with me...yay...problem solved and I won't have to keep everyone waiting so long! Therefore giving me an iPod benefits everyone!

If anyone is reading this let me know by commenting...and no more anonomus comments...only because I don't know how to spell it!

My top 5 songs this week are....
5. Taste in Men- Placebo
4. Hollarback Girl- Gwen Stefani
3. Cream- Prince
2. Superstition- Stevie Wonder
1. Lose My Breath- Destiny's Child (their performance on oprah blew me away....awwww, bloody good!)

bloody hell, I'm late for work.

See ya on the flip side (lol)


Ps, I'll post some fantastic photos as soon as georgia shows me how! Post a comment if ya wanna see pics!
Ginger Ninja

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