Saturday, December 18, 2004

Hey Ho...Back on the Coast with the Most

Hey Kids,

last week has been pretty uneventful, been workin my ass of at the ol' not my favourite place right now!

Saw Oceans 12 last Tuesday with a few of my crew, K, G and Lucy...not the best movie I've ever seen, actually it was pretty damned dissapointing, I didn't understand most of it. I'm still confused, about Julia Roberts playing so chihc, then playing herself...crazy, whatever.....really want to see garden state!

Thursday night was a blast! After a very very disapointing visit to Vault bar, I decided to drop into Illises 21st...uninvited ofcourse... 5 mins after turning up I find myself attached to a lovely young lady, Rebecca...what was that about...her seems cool.

OK, bloggers, I'm going to go out on a limb here and I want everyone to fill out a survey on the website... Just cut and paste the questions and use the comments section to post your answers....c'mon guy, take 5 mins out of your busy scheludal.....

ok, question the first...

1. In 10 words or less describe 2004 for u...
2. What was your highlight of 2004...
3. Where do u hope to be by this time next year...
4. Album of the year...
5. movie of the year...
6. Party of the year...
7. Artist of the year
8. Most overhyped party/artist/film...
9. Book of the year...
10. Person of the year...
11. Knobhead of the year...
12. What do you want/ what did u get for xmas...
13. What will be your new years resolution...?
13 question...knock yourself out!

I'll post my answers on my next blog...
peace out

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