Saturday, December 04, 2004

The Big K Christmas Par-Tay

I think Cracker said it best when he told me...Your the fuckin shit kyle, the most fun to hang with...and its true.

Kmart Christmas Party last night, fuck it was a bloody awesome party! Met some nice ladies, felt like I was pashing on all night! The bar tab was awesome, although I still managed to spend 100 bucks.

This new chic is Wendy, and she works in apparel with Phuong, such a concidence.

OMG, when ever I see anyone who is reading this, you have to ask me about "Signal" this disgusting, disgusting club someone took me to. Fuck this place was out of control, i didn't even know places like that existed.
I feel so seedy, gotta do it all again tonight...yay! Hopefullly tonight will be as eventful as last night...If I'm there I'm sure It will go off!

Ginger Ninja: R.I.P. Philly

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