Thursday, November 11, 2004

Back on line...

I'm back on line again...just byding my time until by computer breaks down again!

Uni's finished, I just got one exam, but I've already passed the course so no worries!

How fucking scary is it that I'm finished with uni?!! I see things advertised on tv and think ohhh I should watch that cause I have to study...but I don't...I have no worries at the moment!

I'm moving house, just down the road. Moving into a bute appartment with my buddy Kristy, should be party central...until i get over the fact that my life has no direction...

I really want to upload photo's to this site, I've taken soooo many good snaps with my new camera, its awesome...retro, uni... my home salon

Is everyone else as addicted to this years Surivor as I just getting so juicy. I wonder if the girls will be able to hold it together and go all the way?

CD's of the week...2 best of's (how suprising during christmas time) The Verve and Live... both brilliant bands. But still no over my Placebo phase...what can I say, I'm just another Nancy Boy!

Thanks for posting sandy, good to hear from u

Later dudes and dudetts

Ginger Ninja: End of an Era

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