Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ginger Ninja

Saturday, lunch time and I still have no motivation to do anything! I had a plan for today, 9am go to gym, 11am Meet friends and go to the art things at Bondi Beach.... hummm well I try go to the gym this afternoon.

Really dreading my last session with my personal trainer because he's so mean to me! He keeps calling me over weight and shaking is head. I still cannot work about if at our last session he was trying to hit on me or just being really really offensive and rude. Who cares anyway...he's a total wanker.

Saw Bridget Jones Diary Last night.... errrrrr, funny but not that good. I didn't really like the first one anyway. Renee Zelwiger has such squinty eyes and her lips are always puckered, but she's kind of cute.

I actually like Britney's new pregorative...its hot! And she looks so fucking good on her Greatest Hits cover! hubba hubba!

Still huumming and arrrrring about this tatoo thing, I really want to get it done but at the same time I am totally freaked out about the pain assiciated with getting it. I'll do it one day...maybe

My top 5 albums this weeks are....
5. Live- Awake
4. Korn- Greatest Hits Volume 1
3. Living End- From Here on in
2. Sum 41- Chuck

I get the feeling this blob is getting really boring! I'm sooo bored writing, you guys must be even boreder reading it... don't worry if i have to get creative I will!

later chickerdees

Ginger Ninja

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