Sunday, November 08, 2009

Re Blogging 2009

Had a thought today... I wonder what ever happened to that blog I started....?

Started reading through a few of the old pasts... Whats a dumb, crazy 21 year old I was! Yikes!

My blog pre-dates FaceBook! Clearly years a head of my time

Think I might try and start this blog business up again... Had a blast reading through all the stupid stories I had posted on here years ago!

I had a pretty fun weekend... Friday was nice and chilled... managed to polish off a bottle of wine with Jen & Siobhan... having a good chin wag.

Saturday afternoon hit the gym... Siobhan blitz in my the treadmill race... I could not even make 5km... too much booze and waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much ciggies... got to give that shit up

Saturday afrvo was Jessie's birthday picnic at Sawmillers Reserve... Was a lovely afternoon... Will miss here to pices when she leaves in December....

Scored a last minute ticket to Ladyhawke on Saturday night... Was a cool concert... Ash was so into it, I only knew about half her songs

Then chilling chilling for a few drinks at the Kings X Hotel with the youngest Wood.

Had a fucking awesome lady day today... Wish Taran would turn off Quantum of Solace so I can watch Rove *humph*

Back to work tomorrow.... Can't rememeber if I have a meeting first thing or not... Better get in early just to make sure :-)

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