Thursday, October 14, 2004


yes, thats turs-day...say it with me...anyway

Ello and welcome to Kyle's Blog (hope u like it)

I waited all day for my new computer to be delivered, I step out for an hour to conduct an interview...and bam! He shows up at my house and gives me a call...typical!

So I came home and indulged my substance abuse problem...Oprah (sad but true). I'de love to get off her, my doctor recomended I limit my viewing to once a week and he precribed me a little Oprah patch. The patch is small but every now and again it balloons to bloated state, funny huh?

Atm, I'm listening to Slash, Dot Com by Fay Boy Slim...its awesome, so original! I also have a soft spot for Marylin Manson, I got his Best Disposable Teens.

Top things to do this weekend...
1. Sam's 21st on Saturday
2. Channies sisters boyfriend's band playing at Annandale on Friday night.
3. Hang out and watch the NEW Amazing race and Apprentice, wouldn't be the same without some pizza.
4. Call my mumzie
5. Start studying...notice how I put it at the bottom!

Later Guys...thanks for visiting my blob, hope I don't get sick of it too soon.


Quote of the year: "its not enough to win, other people have to lose!"

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