Friday, May 19, 2006

lazy days...

My second day of rest is coming to a close and I have achieved everything I want to... nothing! Just ace!

Been watching heaps of the music channels on foxtel... gezz I'm a bit out of touch since by ol' kmart sound and vision days... what the hell is all this gangster rap crap??? The Australian TRL is having a gangster, or is it gansta? night... what the fuck? all the music is horse shit! 50cent, nell... so many! and they all sound the same... its kinda sad!

Looking forward to a quiet night tonight... maybe a movie... maybe pizza... who know i might get a bit crazy and have a beer!

I need to bloody find a place to live... jen and i have been looking butthe good places are so competitive! everyone thing is shit!

i need to get back to syd... running late for my train... see ya

Kyle's Excellent Adventure!

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