Tuesday, November 23, 2004

R.I.P. Philly

My racing frog Philly, sadly was taken by a Pike last night... i was told he passed without suffering too much pain...oh how I miss him already!

I had to create a new frogs, so in an effort to remember Philly, I named the new frog Philly II...a fitting tribute to a frog who lived every day to the fullest!

Oh well thats the biggest news for the day...so i guess its back to the Nintendo 64 for me...I luve old school gaming!


ps..thats for the posts guys, keep em' coming...your keepin the friendship alive! Remember you have a very very vengeful vengeful buddy here!

Ginger Ninja

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kyza Kyza.....haha who's using that now huh!!!!

Yeah, sorrie Channie, didn't mean to be mean to you either :p.

Sad times.

Bye kekkles. xxxxxx