Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I got last exam fever and there is a cure!

wooooooow, I just finished my last exam ever...what a feeling!

Well, 'finished' is a debatle term. I sat there for a hours, wrote one very crappy and short essay...drew on my question paper for a while...then made a very bad attempt at the second essay. After about a page of dribble I high tailed it out of there! I had to wait til someone else left so i wouldn't be the first! Damn my lack of motivation, where the hell did it go. I think I lost it when I finished puberty, all that testerone running through my body must have given me that little something extra, actully its not that little ;).

I'm off for a hard earned beer, well not so much hard earned, I need one none the less! Then off to lunch with my uni buddies... prob the last time i'll see some on them *tear*

Oh well, looking forward to going to bathurst with nicola this weekend, should be ace...then when I come home I get to move... yay... fun times a head... time to this of the present though and I need a beer.

later suckers

Ginger Ninja


Anonymous said...

First of all you can't spell, and hello it was a joke, so who's the one using all the post space may i ask? Fannie.
Take a chill pill, ninja is fine, forget it.

Anonymous said...

Haha too funny Kyle. I can't keep up with your 'blogger' :s, bit like my MSN. hehe.

Later dude. xx