Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Ginger Ninja

Ginger Ninja
Hey everyone, whats the G-O?

I've been offline for a few weeks now which explains the lack of blogginess...Sorry to all you die hard fans who have been hanging out for the next installment!

A lot has happened in the past two weeks....I'll start with Oktoberfest...ohhhh, Oktoberfest...Probably one of the best nights out I've had...And that's saying something! There were many highlights so here is the top 5!
5. Discovering my love for Strongbow
4. Throwing ice at people from the balcony with sheri bobbins
3. Pouring orange barcardie breezer down some random girls back
2. Have been come steaming out of my nose
1. Although, I doubt this actually tops the beer...Spending the evening with my two best buddies from uni Channie and Sheri Bobbins...ohhhh...*tear*

ummm, actually I have no idea what I did that Saturday...I know it was something...Oh well...Maybe it was that 5oth birthday party I went to...Who knows.

Lately I have been pretty consumed by STUDY...Who'd ever thunk it? I know it sux...But only a very very short while to go until I'm done. FOR-EV-A! Exciting, I know!

I'm even in the library at the moment...Show studious of me right?

Owww, I watched Australian Idol last night for the first time in a few weeks...I can't believe they voted of Hayley, she was awesome...If anthony does not win its an outrage. Is anyone else not so excited about who is left? They all seem like of plain and very uncarismatic. I'll make the prediction here and now that who were wins will flop...Not Kayne Taylor style (of popstars fame...or not). I mean they will still go #1, but it just won't be the pandermonium that was guy Sebastian!

Anyway...Better get back to work, owww, lunch time, change of plans.

Everyone go out and buy Placebo- One More Time With Feeling because they are the best band ever!

Also watch The Dreamers, it pretty good

AND Survivor is on tonight! 7.30...be there or be a triangle!


1 comment:

SandY said...

hey Kyle..! just wanted to say gd luck 4 ur exams...! gotta catch up sometimes okies? and keep blogging!!! =)