Monday, November 22, 2004

Bye Bye Maroubra

Moved house yesterday...its goodbye Maroubra and Hello Kensington!
Bye bye Murray and G'Day Kristy...ooohhhh. *tear*

My Mum was so sad when we were saying goodbye to Murray i though she was going to cry! It was all very sweet and emotional. Murray and I did the manly thing and shook hands, showing no emotion at all...very above board

My new place is the bomb...its all decked out in smick furnature...none of which is mine...although i will invite everyone over for a house warming par-tay!

I'm so bummin' I came back to the CC today to hang out by the pool and its bloody overcast, humf! Hangin out with my bro is cool, but I'm home alone during the so oh so bored!

Who would have funk is 3 months ago that Casey would have been crowned Australian Idol? Don't tell Nicola though...she still is holding onto some hope that casey will be stuck down with lightnight ala little miss springfield style and Anthony will become the Idol. Whats with the single could not be anymore lame. I don't think I'll put it at #1 on the Kmart chart. I haven't been entertained enough.

sat night was good, got a random pash at Coogee beach...she was pretty hot, although she was just kicked out of the Coogee bay...I wasn't phased. The only reason I went out was to chase this girl I've been after for months...she is just so fridget though...cannot work her out! grrrrrrr!

Gwen Stefani's album is the shit, so take a whif and check is out...Hallaback girl, track #3 rocks!


Ps...thanks Channie for sticking up for me, your a champion.... if you don't know what I'm talkin about check out the comments for the previous posting, its wild!

Ginger Ninja


Anonymous said...

Who is this Casey person you mention? and why do you imply i am being delusional? Anthony did win! he did!!!!


Anonymous said...

Casey is so better than Noddy, I mean, Anthony. You know it, yeah yeah you do.

Anonymous said...

Using the name casey is being a potty mouth