Monday, December 27, 2004

Merry Christmas

Hey Kids,

Hope everyone had a jolly christmas and I hope Santa was as kind to you and he was to me.

I'm on the coast with the most at the moment...kinda boring although I have run into a few buddies from high school.

Back in Syd for the big NYE Extravanza being thrown by expert party planners Lucy and Nicka...with a little help from see u there...want the address? get in touch with me at

Be there or be a triangle


Monday, December 20, 2004

2004...the sweet sound passing of time

1. In 10 words or less describe 2004 for u...

crazy, impulsive, brilliant, gratifying....its was jst crazy!

2. What was your highlight of 2004...

My 20th birthday black eyes later and a pools of stories to last me the whole year!

3. Where do u hope to be by this time next year...

well, this last last year I would have said, to be finished my uni degree and have a really nice job, and I get to say exactly the same thing this year...yay me for...or should I be bummed? No definately yay for me...

4. Album of the year...

Its gotta be The 'Spoon- Thrills, Kills and Sunday Pills....wowo

5. movie of the year...

"I din't know...GOD!"...its has to be..Neopoleon Dynamite, also I really liked Spelling Bee...those kids were off the charts crazy!

6. Party of the year...

Of course my 20th way back to Feb

7. Artist of the year

Phil Jamison and Bjork...I wish they would get married and have babies

8. Most overhyped party/artist/film...

I might offend anyone if I bag out their party (see question 13 for the reasoning)/ Anthony Calea/ Oceans 12

9. Book of the year...

ummm, didn't read a single book, although I did get half way through Lonley Planets Guide to Japan...well maybe only a 1/4 of the way though!

10. Person of the year...

Probably, bro is a close second...also Channie (always sticking up for me) and Kristy for letting me move one else

11. Knobhead of the year...

Well, thats a no and possible George Bush...he so favourite quote from him... "I am sure human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully"

12. What do you want/ what did u get for xmas...

iPod, clothes, money, two bottom teeth

13. What will be your new years resolution...?

Lose weight, be less offensive, be nice to all of gods creatures... what a crock of shit. I want to be more offensive, nastier, make more people cry and generally reek havok... now thats more realistic!

Now its your turn...give it a me, I know who reads I know who's not replying! moohaha

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Hey Ho...Back on the Coast with the Most

Hey Kids,

last week has been pretty uneventful, been workin my ass of at the ol' not my favourite place right now!

Saw Oceans 12 last Tuesday with a few of my crew, K, G and Lucy...not the best movie I've ever seen, actually it was pretty damned dissapointing, I didn't understand most of it. I'm still confused, about Julia Roberts playing so chihc, then playing herself...crazy, whatever.....really want to see garden state!

Thursday night was a blast! After a very very disapointing visit to Vault bar, I decided to drop into Illises 21st...uninvited ofcourse... 5 mins after turning up I find myself attached to a lovely young lady, Rebecca...what was that about...her seems cool.

OK, bloggers, I'm going to go out on a limb here and I want everyone to fill out a survey on the website... Just cut and paste the questions and use the comments section to post your answers....c'mon guy, take 5 mins out of your busy scheludal.....

ok, question the first...

1. In 10 words or less describe 2004 for u...
2. What was your highlight of 2004...
3. Where do u hope to be by this time next year...
4. Album of the year...
5. movie of the year...
6. Party of the year...
7. Artist of the year
8. Most overhyped party/artist/film...
9. Book of the year...
10. Person of the year...
11. Knobhead of the year...
12. What do you want/ what did u get for xmas...
13. What will be your new years resolution...?
13 question...knock yourself out!

I'll post my answers on my next blog...
peace out

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Christmas Party Aftermath

Well its over between me and my Christmas party fling...Bendy Wendy... Another heart broken.

Although people are still talking about my antics on Friday night, which is good, but on the other hand people are starting to get the wrong impression of me...people who one though I was this charming young buck, now think I'm some drunken sex crazed maniac. Oh well either is fine with me. I can be either of those on any given day...depending on my alochol comsumption.

I've been working my fuckin ass of lately, so if you've been wondering why I haven't returned your call or replied to that message u sent me..thats why. It actually sux working so much over time cause I just get taxed to shit, so I don't really end up with any more cash than I started with.

So bloody looking forward to Christmas, I luve getting presents...and giving them. I'll die if my parents don't give me an iPod. Everyday I spend 10 mins staring at my CD's trying to decide what to listen to, but with an iPod I can take them all with me...yay...problem solved and I won't have to keep everyone waiting so long! Therefore giving me an iPod benefits everyone!

If anyone is reading this let me know by commenting...and no more anonomus comments...only because I don't know how to spell it!

My top 5 songs this week are....
5. Taste in Men- Placebo
4. Hollarback Girl- Gwen Stefani
3. Cream- Prince
2. Superstition- Stevie Wonder
1. Lose My Breath- Destiny's Child (their performance on oprah blew me away....awwww, bloody good!)

bloody hell, I'm late for work.

See ya on the flip side (lol)


Ps, I'll post some fantastic photos as soon as georgia shows me how! Post a comment if ya wanna see pics!
Ginger Ninja

Saturday, December 04, 2004

The Big K Christmas Par-Tay

I think Cracker said it best when he told me...Your the fuckin shit kyle, the most fun to hang with...and its true.

Kmart Christmas Party last night, fuck it was a bloody awesome party! Met some nice ladies, felt like I was pashing on all night! The bar tab was awesome, although I still managed to spend 100 bucks.

This new chic is Wendy, and she works in apparel with Phuong, such a concidence.

OMG, when ever I see anyone who is reading this, you have to ask me about "Signal" this disgusting, disgusting club someone took me to. Fuck this place was out of control, i didn't even know places like that existed.
I feel so seedy, gotta do it all again tonight...yay! Hopefullly tonight will be as eventful as last night...If I'm there I'm sure It will go off!

Ginger Ninja: R.I.P. Philly