Monday, October 18, 2004

The Weekend Wrap Up!

Ginger Ninja

What a weekend! So crazy, but the good kind of crazy. Although I did kind of lose it towards the end of Saturday night...Apparently someone poured a drink on me! Rude huh?

Friday night was pretty good. I went to my favorite restaurant in the city, Wagamummas at Cockle Bay... muummm yuk. Then headed off the Bungalow 8 with Anne and her sister. Bungalow is so not my scene, I was like the youngest person there by about 5 years and everyone was wearing a suit! Eeek, reminds me that I'll have to grown up eventually!

I finally met up with my buddy Chantal and her best friend Hanna. I was a little drunk and inappropriately brought up Hanna's dildo 5 mins after meeting her... eh, she was cool with it! After some suprisingly short deliberations we decided to initiate Chantal and Hanna with their first gay club experience...So Stonewall here we come!

We had an awesome time dancing, hoppin'...We were going off!

After they left it was time for a late night Jade call, for those of you who don't know jade, she shares my inability to stay home on any weekend night and seems to always be the last one out. Luckily she was just round the corner.... Great night out!

Saturday morning I was up early for sam's 21st...Although I was quite late... Lunch was fun, I especially liked the drinking part! Now off the Erin's 21st... Not this blog gets really interesting!

Tiredness and a very large amount of red, white and champagna is the best mix for me... I become incredibly hilarious, offensive (very offensive), rude and a little emotional.

I feel sorry for telling Shirin she looked pregnate and Lucy S that her clothes looked like they were from Kmart, but I'm really not! This blog is running a little long... long story short Shirin poured a drink on me and I have very little knowledge of my nasty habits...How convenient!

New music I'm into...Sum 41 Chuck (especially NO REASON) and Korn Greatest Hits (their cover of WORD UP! Is fuckin awesome)

Also if you like my blog post a comment, I want to know if anyone is reading this crazy shit!



Anonymous said...

why hello, i am reading the 'bog'. can't really think of tooo much more to say. hopefully i still have some friends after sat night. anyhoo, back to pimps and ho's on jerry

Anonymous said...

I too am reading said 'bog'.
you must tell us more offensive things you said at Erin's! besides calling everyone a sexy cunt, which I couldn't work out if it was a good or bad thing... lets say good.
remember, your new name is Frank!
