Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Neighbours is the bomb!

well it week 12 at uni...2 weeks to go...many last night study session to go! Can't wait!

How much is everyone loving Neighbours at the moment, I really think it is one of the best TV shows on. Who knows it may be even better than Survivor, not so into this season yet. I'll have to make a final decision after tonight's episode.

I've been thinking alot about my 21st lately and I've got a good idea about the theme...'Golf Pro's and Tennis Hoes'...what does everyone think. It might quash any ideas of going out afterwards though.

Thanks to the few people who have posted on this sight...good for you! Too bad my friends are not all sheep and chose not to follow.

So looking forward to Oktoberfest this Thursday, I have finally convinced my buddies Sheri and Naomi to make an appearence at the Roundhouse, so it's shipping up to be a good night!

Anyway, I should get back to study...get back to, start, whatever..Its all the same.

Check out, 'The Taste of Ink by The Used', it goes off!

take care


Anonymous said...

shipping up or shaping up?

Kyle said...

it was definately ment to be shipping up, but thanks for trying to correct me *anonymous*, next time be a man (or woman) nad give your name!

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